
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 3 Assignment, Part 3
Draft Action Research Project Progress Report
In respect to the process of research wanderings and inquiry, I find that I am curious as to how my own campus and immediate district take to heart the process of action research in our campuses which are full laboratories of learning. Providing background information is an essential part of the process to try and share the focus, goals (short term and long term), and direction of any data driven program. The title of my project is “Which leadership styles are best represented in high performing schools, and how do these practitioners use action research methodologies for effective communication and success?” My need for this wandering stems from my curiosity during my internship of what is happening on my school campus. Objectives and vision of the action research plan comes from AYP reports showing differences of 10 points between  particular sub pops. Have my campus administrators used this as a portal for action research? Also, review of my campus AEIS reports yield inadequacies among different learning populations following release of recent state EOC testing. The objectives and vision related to this project stem from a need to never be stagnant and to keep promoting new ways of problem solving in an ever-changing educational environment. “Look for new ways to become a child advocate”.  Immediate campus, district at large, regional community, and then state needs for children should be the concentric rings which are breeding grounds for inquiry and needs assessment. Recent literature promotes reflective thinking and action on behalf of children. Continued practice in bettering our own educational environment through vision, data findings, and passion are ways we better what we are constantly striving for in education. Biancarosa, G., & Snow, C. (2004). Reading Next—A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy: A Report to Carnegie Corporation of New York. Retrieved from The research strongly promotes 15 components of highly effective adolescent literacy programs. Intervention in these areas prevent gaps in different populations from forming and also promote success in all groups which are helpful across content areas. ELA scores would be the first place to begin on my campus since there is a 10 point disparity in success rate of varying sub populations. The articulated vision for dissemination begins with the end of school meeting of the CIDC committee once all findings have been accounted for in the process. The district could also disseminate findings in the community outreach section of the district website. While managing the project orbanization, I would be deemed the “head learner” in charge of the inquiry. With my mentor, and upon survey findings/interview questions of local administrators, I will collaboratively release data in stages to share what is happening on each campus. What they are researching, or what needs should be inquired about on their campuses.Small group, and face-to-face meetings will uncover additional findings. The information will also be shared with the superintendent. If I can’t take the time to investigate best practices for student achievement or safety, then who will? I am hoping that the district yields a culture of initiation and problem solving. With each content area benchmark, every campus should have valuable data to begin some sort of betterment in reaching achievement. Monies will be looked into if needed due to inquiry yield. Plans are flexible at this time. General campus funds, state funds, and federal funds will be considered ahead of time when and if cost comes into play. Operations management is worked from the top down with room for flexibility. I have offered those working with me a full voice and I realize that they have great experience in guiding collaboration when necessary. Briefings will be emailed out to all involved whenever a watermark in the process has been reached. Dissemination of team contact information will also keep everyone feeling like they have an equal voice. I will also remind those I am working with to question or bring up any points or areas of concern throughout  the process. As I am not at a point of completion in my project, I will continue to gather data. In considering all learners, community interests and needs, my constant input from regular and special education counselors will help ensure that all FERPA regulations and civil liberties are being protected for all student and employee data. Should leadership styles be utilized in bettering the special education community, these findings may be integrated into inservice materials. If the population isn’t considered, I will need to question why they haven’t been considered and bring it up with committee members. IEPs, BIPs, and 504s should be included in data consideration. Regular education learners are not the only learners on campus, so all student learners should be considered.