Sunday, July 8, 2012
With the conclusion of this research class, I now see the extreme necessity for administrative inquiry. Topics are limitless, but the best place to start is on your own campus. Use the collaborative support of colleagues and fellow administrators to seek the best learning environment for the students. With each month that passes, multiple inquiries could be shared per campus. Reminders could be placed in our school calendars for sharing of wonderings and looking into viability and potential of how this idea could help said campus. Organization, timelines, multiple data sources, proper communication and connection to bettering the academic environment for your educational stakeholders is key. Plan, plan, and plan again if necessary. Don't shy away from unexpected information. Documentation is also critical in the action research plan. Those you work with will also benefit from shared and documented materials. Professional accountability will definitely become a by-product of working with action research.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
EDLD 5301 Week 4
Viewing new blog sites and following other classmates has given me further confidence to continue on this new learning path. The blog is an amazing way to stay connected and collaborate with others in the educational arena. My next focus will be to jazz up the looks of my site. I have augmented my action research plan in the area of persons responsible for implementation of the action research follows. Using the same template, the changes in personnel responsibility will look different.
In order to equitably serve all populations on campus
effectively, following transition in state testing, action research looking
from campus success based on initiative, communication, and action research of
the head learner on campus will be researched. Effectiveness of leadership
styles will be gauged based on performance areas of the economically
disadvantaged populations on local high school campuses. The following
information is based on the SIP or PIP Plan of Action Template.
Outcome 1:
Identify Leadership Styles of Principals
Create personality test survey
Tools Needed:
Survey of Tia Simmons, Associate
Principal. Ms. Simmons will help to oversee and critique my leadership evaluation questions for dissemination to our district high school principals. She will also be a continued source of leadership and guidance throughout each step of the research process.
Responsibility to
Address Activities:
Learn from successful leadership styles
Time Line for Activity 1:
1 month
Collect and analyze survey data for all principals as a
starting point for investigation
Revisions to SIP/PIP
based on monitoring and assessments:
Possibly expand question bank if there is little
differentiation in results
Outcome 2:
Identify high-performing schools
Gather and analyze data
Tools Needed:
AEIS reports, AYP data of school/Assistance of Head
Counselor-Kelly Bonin. With administrative clearance and approval, Mrs. Bonin will help oversee and share campus report data and assist in my understanding of AYP data and the breakdown of particular testing categories. With her assistance, I will confirm areas for growth.
Responsibility to
address activities:
Reality check for schools; Where do we really stand?
Time Line:
1-3 months
Rank each school based on State-Tiered Status
Revisions to SIP/PIP
based on monitoring and assessments:
Addendums when necessary
Outcome 3:
Identify Action Research Plans of Principals
Tools Needed:
Literature Reviews/Assistance of Dr. Stacey Daugherty,
responsible for district data analysis. Dr. Daugherty will oversee creation and structure of my administrator survey and suggest ways I can make it usable for research inquiry. I may also have her suggest ways to create a database for administrators to house their own action research plans.
Responsibility to
Address Activities:
Witness what “Head Learners” are up to as campus leaders
Time Line:
Months 3-6 in process; after first two outcomes studies have
taken place
Present articles or data collection to principals
Revisions to SIP/PIP
based on monitoring and assessments:
To be reviewed
Outcome 4:
Identify Communication Dissemination of how principals share
their work
Research and offer small group discussion
Tools Needed:
Scan Networks or Professional Organization Websites/Dr. Stan
Hall, in charge of survey data. I will work under the guidelines of Dr. Hall regarding dissemination and retrieval of survey data. He should have the best ideas for function and generation of data. I will gain his blessing for official launch of my survey.
Time Line:
Also complete during months 3 to 6 of process
Created list by principals of professional growth database
Revisions to SIP/PIP
based on monitoring and assessments:
Dependent upon initial feedback
Outcome 5:
Identify if there is a correlation between school
performance and leadership style
Gather continued data
Tools Needed:
State Reports-STAAR/TAKS, Tiered Status, AYP, AEIS reports/Assistance
of KHS Principal. Using Mr. Whitehead's expertise as a former superintendent of schools, I will collaborate with him on what the data looks like for our campus and how we stack up regarding other district campuses. AYP data and district benchmarks will be main areas of focus. Leadership survey data will also be included to begin to connect high levels of success, action research, and best showing of all sub populations toward the road to exemplary campuses.
Time Line:
Months 6 to 9 in the process
Create charts and Graphs on existing data
Revisions to SIP/PIP
based on monitoring and assessments:
Dependent on feedback from administration teams
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